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Hotel Sport Reviews:

Federico Civilotti | Italy | 2015-04-29
Wery good

Danuta | Poland | 2006-10-08
I'm glad to inform you that we were very satisfied with the accomodation at Sport Hotel Kralupy. The service was good and the hotel staff very friendly.

Karen | United Kingdom | 2005-10-12
Just to let you know that we had a very nice stay at hotel sport. The hotel was very clean and the rooms were very clean and tidy The people were very nice and as helpful as they could be with there limited English.

Michael | United Kingdom | 2004-08-13
Just returned from our stay at the Sport Kralupy. I must say the reason we chose this hotel was its swimming pool. Upon arrival we were told the pool was closed. Not just for a day or week but for the ENTIRE SUMMER. Obviously had we known this when making our reservations we would have chosen a different hotel. We were very disappointed. The staff also were quite slow in refilling items at breakfast (bread, fruit,etc). They also served the worst watered down orange drink (can't even call it juice). Please inform potential customers of the pool closure before they confirm their reservations!!

Jarmila | SR | 2002-11-17
Hotel svojim umiestnenim ma velke pozitivum, naozaj je blizko zeleznice a bez problemov sa da najst. Je v tichom prostredi, aj ked mozem hodnotit iba vikend :-) Ubytovanie je podla mna adekvatne cene a co ma prekvapilo, ze nam vymenili po 1 dni uteraky (a to nie sme ziadne prasiatka :-) Na izbe je maly radiator (10 ci 12 rebrovy) co je dost malo na to, aby tam bolo teplejsie, lebo v kupelni nie je ziadne vyhrevne teleso. Ked vystupite zo sprchoveho kuta na jeden tenky uteracik, tak sa citite ako na Sibiri :-) Jednak stojite na studenych dlazdiciach a tiez tam mohol byt maly rebrovy vyhrievany susiak, ktory by splnil ulohu vykurovaciu aj odkladaciu, lebo na zavesenie uterakov tam bol iba jeden drziak za dverami. Nebolo ani usko na uterak pri umyvadle. Kupelna je krasna, ale trosku v nej chybaju detaily, ako napriklad aj policka na odlozenie beznych veci (ktore sme museli mat na nocnom stoliku v izbe), drziak na toaletny papier, drziak na sprchu. V izbe je nudza aj o policovu skrinu, je tam iba jedna skrina na vesanie, ostatne veci musite strcit do nocneho stolika. Hodila by sa aj policka pri vesiaku na kabaty, kde je aj zrkadlo. Boli tam sice dve police, ale umiestnene pri okne a vo vyssej polohe, ako je pre bezne pouzitie. Tam bol kvet a na druhej asi malo byt radio, ale nebolo tam. Aj napriek tomu, ze som popisala par nedostatkov, hotel hodnotim velmi pozitivne: - blizko od Prahy (aj ked teraz trosku tie vlaky meskaju) - v centre mesta, pre ludi bez auta blizko na zeleznicu - personal prijemny - ubytovanie v pohode (aj ked bez tych polic som sa nachodila :-) - a to vsetko za celkom rozumnu cenu (mozno by mohli byt v cene ranajky). Urcite, ked budeme mat cestu tam, vyuzijeme sluzby hotela opat.

Cesar | Argentina | 1999-04-07
Our stay in hotel Sport in Kralupy was just perfect. The room was clean and big enough. The pilsners at the bar were the best beers I've ever drunk and I consider myself a connaiseur. In short. We are highly satisfied with the quality of the service offered. Ah! May be just one minor detail. Breakfast, although good in quality and quantity, didn't offer as many options as we might have liked. I'll recommend your services to all my friends wanting to visit the Czech Republic. Prague is the most beautiful city I've ever visited. Congratulations for living in such a nice country.

Martin | Belgie | 1998-04-13
This weekend I stayed at the hotel Sport Kralupy and I must say that I enjoyed by stay there. The furniture was a bit old but the room was clean and the service was quite good.

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